ISO Show

#204 Greenwashing – Separating Fact From Fiction with ISO 14064 Verification


The uptick in greenwashing cases, and subsequent outing of these claims only serves to make stakeholders and consumers dubious of any businesses sustainability pledges.

One key way to combat this is to have the information to back up your claims, something that is becoming a mandatory requirement for some depending on  sector, location or company size.

In this episode, Mel dives into the use of ISO 14064 and how verification to this internationally recognised Standard can help companies build trust and ensure their climate action claims are genuine and impactful.

You’ll learn

  • What is Greenmasking?
  • Why there is a need for transparency in green claims
  • What is Greenhouse Gas Statement Verification?
  • What is ISO 14064?
  • How can ISO 14064 Verification combat greenmasking?


In this episode, we talk about:

[02:05] Episode Summary – In this episode, Mel delves into the world of ISO 14064 and explores how verification under this international standard can help companies build trust and ensure their climate action claims are genuine.

Catch-up with the previous episodes in the series here:

The Rise of Greenwashing

The 7 Shades of Greenwashing

[03:05] What is greenmasking?: Greenmasking (a term coined by Carbonology®) is used to describe the practice where organisations self-certify their environmental impact without independent verification.

This means they claim their green credentials are accurate while avoiding transparency about their methodology and data. Essentially, they are “marking their own homework,” which can lead to misleading claims about their sustainability efforts.

This could be compared to someone completing their own MOT and signing it off themselves, instead of taking it to a qualified mechanic. Obviously, that MOT certificate wouldn’t be valid in that case, and would have no credibility when it came to selling the car.

[04:45] The need for transparency – For carbon reporting to succeed globally, enforcement will need to be standardised across all nations.

With transparency around ESG initiatives increasingly important, you need to be able to objectively and accurately measure and report on your carbon footprint. Some to keep an eye on include the Green Claims Directive and the Anti-Greenwashing Charter.

Stakeholders are now looking for independent Verification of the accuracy of your emissions data and your calculated carbon footprint through Standards such as ISO 14064-3.

[07:05] What is Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Statement Verification? – GHG Verification is the engagement of an independent third-party by an organisation to provide Verification of their GHG statements using standards such as ISO 14064-3.

Carbon footprint Verification involves, collecting data and reporting on your emissions from your company’s activities, and then independently verifying its accuracy to provide assurance to stakeholders that your claims are transparent and true.

If you’d like to learn more about the differences between the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and ISO 14064, check out a previous episode.

[08:10] What is ISO 14064-1 and ISO 14064-3? – This is the specification for Greenhouse Gas emissions reporting and part 3 is the specification for verifying that, covering more elements than the Greenhouse Gas protocol.

The reporting requires you to collect data from various sources across your scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, collating it into a report and then have that report independently checked against the requirements of ISO 14064.

[09:45] How can Greenhouse Gas Verification combat greenmasking? –

  • Highlights integrity – Verification against ISO 14064-1 highlights the veracity of your systems and processes to prove your GHG inventory, assertions and reports conform to the ISO 14064 standard; and are free from errors, omissions or misstatements, demonstrating the highest integrity of your GHG reporting.
  • Validation of Net Zero goals – Verification against ISO 14064-1, establishes the integrity of your claims towards Net Zero.
  • Verify success – Verification against ISO 14064-1 provides assurance of your carbon footprint declarations which will give confidence in achieving the projected emission reductions
  • Stakeholder assurance – Stakeholders are increasingly looking for independent Verification of GHG Data to prove reduction are achieved year on year

Download a copy of The 7 Shades of Greenwashing from Carbonology’s website here.

If you would like some assistance with carbon Standards and reporting, simply get in touch with the team over at Carbonology.  

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