Top tips on implementing BS 10012 to meet GDPR requirements
BS 10012 is a British standard that outlines the specifications for a Personal Information Management System (PIMS). This was introduced in 2009 to help organisations manage personal information and comply with data protection laws.
The standard was updated in 2017 to reflect the GDPR’s requirements, making it an ideal framework for regulatory compliance. For example, it includes specific guidance on each principal, helping organisations meet the requirements of BS10012 and GDPR.
After implementing BS 10012 for a number of organisations, here are our Top tips on implementing BS 10012.
- Establish a PIMS team – this is not a one-person job. You will need to have input from all areas that are involved with personal data.
- Carry out a Privacy Impact Assessment – It is important to understand where all the personal identifiable data is within the organisation, how it is collected and how it is disposed. (remember this is all Data – soft and hard copies – get in to all the drawers and cupboards)
- Data mapping – collate the information on a data matrix, this would show all the information in one place.
- Carry out a risk assessment – the data matrix will flag up any risks that need addressing
- Update documentation – Ensure all documents are updated i.e data protection policies, cookie policy and privacy policy.
- Training, training and more training – people are the weakest link, ensure ALL staff have had BS 100012 training
- Conduct Internal Audits – to verify compliance and check your systems are effective.
Implementing a PIMS can be challenging so if you would like assistance please contact us for further information on: