Continuing the ISO 22301 Steps to Success series, we look at how you can engage your staff while implementing and testing the Business Continuity Management System (BCMS). It’s important to review the effectiveness of the whole BCMS to ensure it’s going to deliver the resilience we require as a business. This is achieved through internal audit of the management system.
There is far greater focus on communication and awareness within both internal and external audits for this standard. You are creating a system that we hope we never have to invoke, and the effectiveness of the response relies on staff understanding their role and the procedures to follow when the worst happens. Therefore, undertaking more in-depth awareness interviews during the internal audits will provide far more value and reassurance that the required awareness is in place.
As with any standard, there is also the requirement to take corrective action for any issues raised.
Lastly, you need to undertake the holistic review of the BCMS. This is achieved through the Management Review Process that reviews all the key inputs and interactions into the management system and analyses effectiveness and any potential need for change. It also reviews objectives and progress made, results of internal audits, supplier performance etc. Very similar to other ISO management Systems standards.
Join us next week as we discuss the changes made to ISO 22301:2018.
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