I think it’s important to acknowledge the reality that we all face right now whilst in the midst of a global pandemic, both as individuals, families and businesses. Sadly, there is very little that we can control about the situation, other than staying at home and follow the governments guidelines to reduce the disease spreading and deaths increasing.
However, what we can control if how we respond to our situation, and to try and embrace this period of isolation as an opportunity, because we have to quit literally stop our normal way of working and living. So, this enables us to objectively reassess what is working in our business and what isn’t.
Which brings me onto the topic for today – Making remote working work.
So how do you make remote working work for you? Well it partly comes down to the tech, but if you’ve got the confidence in yourself and ability to communicate, its actually really easy.
So how did we go about it? Well, we sent out a communication to all clients that all our services were to be delivered remotely. We then provided training for the Team and created one of our internal WOW’s which is Way of Working, we put it to the test, each employee had to test Microsoft Teams and off we went, rocking and rolling out remote way of working.
We then published a ‘Remote Working Guide’ for our clients, so they knew exactly what to expect.
What to expect
we utilise Microsoft Teams which is available to everyone at the click of a link. As long as you have a Wi-Fi connection, then work can be carried out remotely which is the same as if we were together in a physical environment.
We are able to deliver ALL of our services remotely including the implementation of systems compliant to ISO Standards and ISO Support Plan services. This includes, but is not limited to:- –
- Internal audits
- Certification body support i.e. Annual Surveillance, re-certification and assessments
- Updating your policies and procedures
- Facilitation of Workshops i.e. H & S, Environmental, Information Security and Business Continuity
- Training and awareness sessions;
- Gap Analysis
- Facilitating/chairing Management Review Meetings/information
- Reviewing and updating legal registers
The only possible limitations for remote working include –
- Certain risk based ‘site’ audits where we have to observe the physical work environment and assets.
However, whilst there are a few limitations, Blackmores is able to offer alternative methods to continue work –
- ‘Model Checklists’ for physical security or environmental or health and safety walk rounds can be supplied for you to undertake, with photographs taken. Alter-natively, a remote audit could be undertaken using a mobile phone so that the camera can be used to record the ‘walk’.
- If you have a camera available you can video the aspects we need to observe i.e. Fire exits, storage of chemicals. This can either be via a live stream or recording on a device i.e. mobile phone, webcam.
The benefits of remote working
- Productive method of working – well organised agenda.
- Reduces your company environmental footprint.
- Reduces our environmental footprint.
- Allows several people to attend the remote audit/workshop/meeting to reduce travel time and avoids accommodating additional people to reduce meeting space.
- You can work from the comfort of your own location i.e. office/remote/home at a time to suit you.
- Enables you to carry on with other work/activities when we are not directly on-line i.e. report writing/lunch break/updating documents.
- The sessions can be recorded if required and used for future reference i.e. Training employees.
- Reduced paperwork – all evidence is shown online.
For a free copy of our Remote Working Guide, simply contact us at enquiries@blackmoresuk.com
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