Before I dive into the most popular standard in the world, I’d like to begin by busting some of those myths around ISO 9001.
Myth – You need to have a Quality Manual
Myth – You need to have lots of lengthy irrelevant procedures
Myth – You need to have a Quality Manager
Myth – It’s just a tick box exercise
None of these statements is true – Maybe some of them were correct in 1982 (the old BS 5750 standard), but not in 2020!
This weeks ISO show provides an overview of ISO 9001:2015, where we interpret the standard (as a technical document) and break it down into very simple terms what the requirements actually mean.
Although there are 10 clauses, only 7 of these are actually requirements that you need to put in place (Clauses 4.0 – 10.0), and they all make sound business sense. What business doesn’t need to have a system to explain to employees what they need to do? What business doesn’t need to monitor and measure the performance of their business (including any costly mistakes)?
ISO 9001 is basically a model for running a successful and profitable business – if implemented in the right way (which, by the way, is not buying a certificate and ISO in a box online – that’s for the cheaters!).
The quality standard provides a common framework for things that all businesses should have in place, including defining your companies unique ‘way of working’. It provides a ‘hub’ a ‘go to place’ for all company policies, procedures and forms/templates. So ultimately your ‘blueprint’ for business operations and success.
I walk our ISO Show listeners through the 7 Key requirements and highlight some of my favourite parts that I believe add the most value in terms of investing in ISO 9001.
7 key requirements
- Context of the organisation
- Leadership
- Planning
- Support
- Operations
- Performance evaluation
- Improvement
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Want to learn more about ISO 9001? Listen to our Steps to Success Series.
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