We welcome back Derek for the final part in the ISO 14001 Steps to Success series, where we discuss hints and tips for ensuring that your Environmental Management System (EMS) is compliant and ready for your Certification Body Assessment visit. The hints and tips include:-
- Develop an Internal Audit Schedule
- Thoroughly audit against the all the clauses of ISO 14001 including legal compliance
- Focus on revisiting where the gaps were identified in the Gap Analysis
- Ensure all employees have received communications on the EMS and forthcoming internal audits
- Typical findings from an audit and how these are interpreted – Major non-conformities, Minor non-conformities, Observations and Opportunities for improvement.
- What to expect in an internal audit and how to prepare
- Importance of speaking to the right people in the audit
- Typical areas of non-conformances – Operations and documentation
- Mistakes to avoid – Checking waste transfer documents
- Management Review – ISO 14001 is prescriptive in providing very clear input and outputs. This is typically completed via a Senior Management Meeting, and helps to review risks, performance against environmental objectives.
See further information of ISO 14001 Steps to Success If you are keen to get started today, we also have a FREE ISO 14001 Checklist for our ISO Show listeners, contact us today for your free copy. To help out the ISO Show:

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