ISO Show

The ISO Show: Episode 24 -ISO 45001 Steps to Success Series (Part 1)


Sadly, everyday thousands of lives are lost due to work related accidents.  These are deaths that could and should have been prevented.  Here are some sobering facts from

  • 1 worker dies every 15 seconds
  • 153 workers have accidents every 15 seconds
  • 2.3 million deaths across the globe every year

So what can be done to reduce workplace-related accidents and injuries?  Well over 70 countries have been involved in the creation of an internationally recognised standard of ‘Best Practice’ – ISO 45001:2018 to address the situation.

But how do businesses put this into practice in ‘real life’ businesses?  How can the standard be interpreted so businesses understand the logic, and reasoning behind the standard, and turn this into clear action points?

Paul Robinson, Managing consultant at Blackmores,  has over a decade of experience of implementing ISO Standards at Blackmores, joins us for this weeks’ ISO Show Podcast.  Paul interprets the ISO ‘Speak’ and shares a ‘Masterclass’ in implementing ISO 45001.  The start of a three part series on ISO 45001 Steps to Success, in this episode Paul begins by sharing knowledge on many aspects of Health and Safety, including:-

  • Where are the main weaknesses in businesses in relation to Health and Safety?
  • Why monitor and measure your health and safety performance?
  • No need to reinvent the wheel – how can ISO 45001 be integrated into your day-to-day operations? How can you get all employees involved?
  • What to expect in an ISO 45001 Gap Analysis report, who needs to be available?
  • Why we need the ears and eyes of the business to help understand what the safety culture is and establish how engaged the management is in driving health and safety performance.

All of this is aligned back to the requirements of the standard and existing processes (on average this tends to be approximately 60% of the requirements of ISO 45001).   Once this is done, we can then understand the timescales and resources needed to move towards the completion of the H & S System and assessment date.

From an internal perspective we need to understand the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and threats). In a more broader sense (externally related), we need to understand other influencing factors which is typically via a PESTEL exercise (understanding the Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental/Ethical and Legal aspects affecting your business).

Paul provides examples of the types of issues that are deduced at the planning stage of a project, and helps to understand how these issues can be used to set objectives and strategy for Health and Safety improvements, which typically covers:-

  • Understanding and addressing issues (internal and external)
  • Understanding the needs of interested parties
  • Setting KPI’s
  • Assigning roles, responsibilities and accountabilities – what can and cannot be delegated?
  • Driving commitment to Health and Safety
  • How to consult with ‘workers’ and gain their participation – a key focus of ISO 45001
  • The importance of driving a positive Health and Safety Culture

Click HERE for further information on ISO 45001 steps to success.

Or check out our ISO 45001 Migration webinar if you are already certified to OHSAS 18001 and you need to upgrade your Health and Safety Systems.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the ISO Show so you don’t miss the episode 2 in this ISO 45001 Steps to Success Series.  In the next episode we share tips on creating a Health and Safety System compliant with ISO 45001:2018. We look forward to catching you on the next ISO Show.

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