ISO 50001 Clause 9 – Performance Evaluation

ISO50001 requires us to undertake activities to check the effectiveness of the EnMS. In this blog we will focus on ISO 50001 clause 9 – Performance Evaluation, and in particular clause 9.1 which relates to Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of energy performance and the EnMS. Along with internal audit (9.2) and management review (9.3) clause 9.1 makes up a significant part of the “checking” activities required to confirm the EnMS remains suitable, adequate and effective.

ISO 50001 Clause 9 – Performance Evaluation

ISO 50001 clause 9 – performance evaluation is split into several parts.

Clause 9.1 is broken down in to two parts and is quite prescriptive, this is for good reason; we need to ensure we are measuring the right things. The outputs of our energy review process (6.3) our objectives targets and action plans (6.2) and our energy data collection plan (6.6) provide us with the main inputs into the process.

So, let’s break down the clause, starting with 9.1.1.

As a starting point we can to identify what needs to be monitored and measured, including at a minimum the following key characteristics:

  • The effectiveness of the action plans in achieving objectives and energy targets;
  • Energy performance Indicators (EnPI(s));
  • Operation of significant energy uses (SEUs);
  • Actual versus expected energy consumption;

Once this has been established, we can define the methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation, to ensure we get valid repeatable and reliable results;

This leads us nicely into stating when monitoring and measurement shall be performed and when the results from monitoring and measurement will be analysed and evaluated.

The final step is to evaluate data created from the implementation of the energy data collection plan with a view to drawing conclusion on energy performance and the effectiveness of the EnMS (see 6.6).

Most importantly and critical to ensuring the ability to demonstrate continual improvement is the need to confirm that improvement in energy performance has been evaluated by comparing energy performance indicator (EnPI) value(s) (see 6.4) against the corresponding baselines (EnB’s) (see 6.5).

Any significant deviations in energy performance should be identified and investigated. An enhanced requirement in ISO50001:2018 requires the organisation to retain documented information on the results of the investigation and response (see 7.5).

Finally, all this needs to be recorded, either electronically or in hard copy to demonstrate evidence that the process is being undertaken effectively. This becomes vital evidence at internal and external audits and provides information for management review (see 9.3.2 [c] 2 and 9.3.3)

The second part of 9.1 requires us to undertake an evaluation of compliance with legal requirements and other requirements at planned intervals.

Clause 9.1.2 requires us to revisit those legal and other requirements identified during the identification of needs and expectations of interested parties (4.2) and gather the necessary evidence to confirm to our own satisfaction that compliance is being maintained. This exercise is sometimes undertaken as part of the internal audit process. Again, documented information (see 7.5) on the results of the evaluation of compliance and any actions taken need to be retained and the results of this exercise inform management review inputs (see 9.3.2 [c] 4)

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