How is ISO 45001 aligned with other ISO standards?
How is ISO 45001 aligned with other ISO standards e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and minor differences?
ISO 45001:2018 is based on Annex SL – the high-level structure that implements a common framework to all management systems, i.e. it applies a common language across all standards.
This helps to keep consistency, supports alignment of different management system standards, e.g. ISO9001, ISO14001, etc.
Organisations can find it easier to incorporate their OH&S management system into core business processes and get more involvement from senior management.
The standard(s) are written in such a way that by following clause by clause, a methodical approach is achieved.
Structure of BS ISO45001, highlighting minor difference / requirements:
- Context of the organization
- You must look beyond your own health and safety issues and consider what society expects from you, regarding health and safety issues.
- Here we come across the term ‘workers’ identified within interested parties
- Consider use of Contractors and Suppliers, how work can affect others in surrounding areas e.g. neighbours, public, visitors, etc.
- Leadership and worker participation
- Management / Senior Leaders endorsement of the OH&S Policy is no longer enough; they must now lead by example and demonstrate their commitment and engagement in key OH&S management activities.
- OH&S Policy now requires five specific commitments, including commitment to consultation and participation of workers
- New / enhanced requirement for Consultation and participation of workers, workers (non-managerial) – must be involved (consultation and participation), supporting improvements in processes, identification of hazards and risks.
- Planning
- Risk-based thinking – you must demonstrate you have determined, considered, and take action to address any risks and opportunities.
- Determination of applicable legal and other requirements; this can result in identification of risks and opportunities
- As part of planning, determination and assessment of risks and opportunities should be undertaken before change implemented
- Support
- More emphasis on competence, particularly with identification of hazards
- Communication with interested parties – internal and external; and taking into account diversity needs; ensure views of external interested parties are considered when establishing communication process
- Operation
- Operational planning and control – eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks, managing change, management of procurement e.g. Contractors, outsourcing, to ensure conformity to OH&S management system
- Emergency preparedness and response to ensure you can respond to potential emergency situations; these will have been identified within Planning, or will feed back for assessment if not previously picked up
- Performance evaluation
- Monitoring and measurement equipment (e.g. calibration) is located in section 9.1.1
- Evaluation of compliance – similar to ISO14001
- Management review; information on performance and trends includes, Incidents, consultation and participation of workers,
- Management shall communicate relevant outputs of management reviews to workers (and/or representatives)
- Improvement
- Establishment, implementation and maintenance of process for reporting, investigating and taking action, to determine and manage incidents and nonconformities
- Involve workers, and other interested parties, in the evaluation and corrective action to eliminate root causes of incidents / nonconformities
Blackmores UK can support you in migration or implementation of ISO45001, please contact us for more information.