Blackmores Invites you to an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 Transition Seminar
Blackmores invites you to an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 Transition Seminar on the 4th November 2015.
The ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standard are being published in September 2015 version. Blackmores invites you to a NQA hosted seminar In order to help you keep up with the changes and new requirements for each standard.
The seminar will cover the following:
• Introduction to the new structure for ISO management systems standards (Annex SL)
• Explanation of new concepts and terminology
• Specific new clauses and requirements
• Transition timelines and notable dates
• Guidance on support available to help you successfully transition with the minimum cost and inconvenience
The seminar will last around 2 hours and a half hours with light refreshments and a buffet provided. The agenda is as follows:-
• 17.30 Registration and refreshments
• 18.00 Buffet
• 18.30 Presentation on ISO 9001:2015
• 19.15 Q and A
• 19.30 Presentation on ISO 14001:2015
• 20.15 Q and A
• 20.30 Close
Melanie will be guest speaking on the 4th November at Warwick house in Dunstable, please visit the NQA website to book your place for this seminar: