This episode is part 1 of our 3-part series on Management Review, explaining exactly what Management Review is and how most companies carry them out.
Today, Mel looks at what the Standards require from a Management Review, the different areas Management Review addresses, and how companies can carry out a Management Review for the first time.
You’ll learn
- What a Management Review is.
- How to get started with a Management Review for the first time.
- Why is it so important?
- How to do Management Review the right way.
- Best practice dos and don’ts.
- What the Standard requires from a Management Review.
In this episode, we talk about:
[00:44] Which ISO standards have a requirement for Management Review.
[02:50] Why Management Review is important.
[03:53] Different areas Management Review addresses.
[04:26] The importance of being flexible with your objectives and when to look for trends.
[05:40] The main reason for carrying out a Management Review.
[06:10] What the Standard requires from a Management Review.
[06:55] What you should include in your Management Review.
[08:08] What the Standard says about inputs.
[09:42] How often you should review your objectives and trends.
[11:18] How the Standard helps you understand what the outputs of your review should look like.
For members of the isologyhub, we have a few Management Review templates available for download.
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