So this is for our ISO Show listeners that are already certified to ISO Standards, in some cases – not that often, some companies can get really fed up or frustrated with their certification body provider.
Now on the whole, accredited CB’s are great – however over the last 14 years we’ve come across the good, the bad and the ugly too!
So, this podcast is for those companies that maybe looking to switch, so we’ll cover…….
Why companies decide to change CB’s
- Can’t get hold of anyone to help them – inform them of change in business and the CB is not adaptable.
- Frustrated with lack of organisation – not keeping client informed, assessor showing up to audit the wrong standard.
- Their CB is not listening to them
- Not happy with the assessor – No really a hard reason – Just request a different Assessor
- Lack of value – assessor shows up later and leaves at 2.00pm and you don’t get the report for another 2 -3 weeks after chasing.
Why switch?
Because you can – you have a choice
- You are the customer – if you raise your concerns and are not being heard, go to another CB that will look after your every need.
- You may get a more competitive service and costs – example clients grown through acquisition
- You are expanding internationally – need a CB with an international presence
How to switch
- Here in the UK – If you are certified by a UKAS accredited certification body the switch is free of charge to another UKAS accredited CB.
- Establish your scope of certification and requirements – sites, services, standards.
- Review your timings – should it be before or after your next surveillance visit?
- Get three quotes from accredited Certification bodies – explain you’d like a quote for the period of certification including the recertification costs.
- Provide your requirements – also explain why you are looking to change CB’s as you want assurance that they will be able to provide you with the service you need.
- Consider –
- Costs
- number of assessors for your standards on the payrole,
- Continuity of assessors
- Location of assessors and your locations
- Support
- Key Account Manager / customer services
- Experience/reputation in your sector / standards
- Any value adds i.e. webinars, whitepapers, events.
How we can help? – Free service to send an RFQ to CB’s so you can get comparative quotes. We don’t have an exclusive relationship with any 1 Certification Body, but we can help you gain a quote as a free service we offer. If you need help getting a quote, contact us!
Look out for our directory of recommended CB’s in 2021.
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