ISO Show

#143 Reinvigorate interest in your ISO Management System with the Engagement Amplifier Gameplan – Part 2


We sadly often see Management Systems fade into the background following successful certification. When this happens, it can stagnate and cease to be a driving force for continual Improvement within the business.

So, what can you do to reinvigorate interest?

That’s where the Engagement Amplifier Gameplan comes in! This Gameplan was created by today’s guest, Sarah Ball, an isologist here at Blackmores and one of the main driving forces behind our online membership – the isologyhub.

Today Sarah will continue on from the last episode and explain the last few steps in the Engagement Amplifier Gameplan. 

You’ll learn

  • What is the isologyhub?  
  • What are the final 4 steps in the Engagement Amplifier Gameplan?


In this episode, we talk about:

[00:55] The isologyhub is our online Membership our online membership site that includes a full ISO 14001 roadmap to help you create and launch your own bespoke environmental management system. Also included are a suite of templates and training on various ISO’s to help take you from zero to hero in ISO Standards.

[01:15] Sarah Ball created the Engagement Amplifier Gameplan in addition to many other resources on the hub. She is one of the key people behind the hub’s creation and currently drives it’s development.

[01:30] This is part 2! We covered what the Engagement Amplifier is, along with the first few steps in the Gameplan in the last episode. If you missed out, I highly recommend going back and giving it a listen.  

[01:45] Step 4 – Champions: A team of management system Champions, whether that be Health & Safety Champions, Quality Champions or any other discipline, can have a significant impact on engagement levels. They can advocate for the management system and, crucially, Champions lead by example when they engage with the management system themselves. In Step 4, the Gameplan takes you through what Champions can do, what makes a good team of Champions and how to start your own team of Champions.

[03:40] Step 5 – Brand Boost: This is how you brand and sell your management system to your employees and other key stakeholders, which is crucial to how they relate to it and engage with it. It walks you through the importance of a brand identity for your management system, how to develop this and how to launch, or re-launch, the management system with a new brand within the business. This step can be useful for the implementation of your management system and for when engagement has really fallen. For further listening – go back to our ‘What’s in a Name’ episode.

[04:30] Practicing what we preach – We did a recent rebrand of our Management System at Blackmores. Even though it’s a mature system that’s many years old, we felt that it wasn’t doing much for us. So we followed our own plan and created H20 (How 2 Operate), a much more accessible and collaborative Management System that is housed on our shared Teams channel and SharePoint.  

[05:40] Step 6 – Communicate and Celebrate: . Ongoing communication is a key part of maintaining momentum and engagement, it provides an opportunity to keep the management system at the forefront of people’s minds and to celebrate successes. It also allows you to recognise examples of engagement with the management system. The Gameplan takes you through what you should communicate and how and is something that you can revisit at any point as your management system matures.

[06:45] Step 7 – Momentum: Once you have reinvigorated engagement, it is crucial to maintain that momentum. This step takes members through how to recognise engagement, continue to reassess engagement levels and developing a future strategy to maintain the desired level of engagement.

[07:50] We’re offering a Buy 1 Get 1 Free offer on isologyhub memberships until the 31st October 2023! Contact us to book a demo

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