Anyone whose been involved in the implementation or maintenance of an ISO Management System will know it’s not a small feat. There’s a lot of time and teamwork involved in getting a system in place for certification, so it’s definitely a cause for celebration when you finally do get that certificate at the end!
But what can you do with that? A lot of companies will get an ISO certification as a necessity, whether that be an industry requirement, legal requirement or client requirement. Often times, they’re quite content to just let those interested parties know about it and leave it at that. Which is a shame, as we think it’s something worth shouting about.
It’s a display of your commitment to best practice, whether that be in quality, health & safety, information security, risk management or any combination of those – and better still, it’s a globally recognised certification.
In this episode, Stephanie Churchman, Communications Manager at Blackmores, will take you through a few ways you can celebrate your ISO success.
You’ll learn
- Why promote your ISO certification?
- How can you promote your ISO success?
- How can Blackmores help you celebrate your ISO success?
In this episode, we talk about:
[00:30] Mel will be back in the next episode after taking a well deserved break 😊
[01:15] Why celebrate your success? You / your team worked hard to put that Management System in place and get it ready for certification, so it’s worth celebrating when you finally do get that certificate. It’s also a globally recognised certification that displays your commitment to Best Practice.
[02:23] #1 Certificate Award ceremony – This is something you may need to organise ahead of getting your final certificate. It’s worth asking your certification body if they do a certificate award ceremony. Some CB’s will invite clients to a location to hand out certificates in a batch – or they may be happy to come an officially award you your certificate on your own premises. Either way, it’s a great opportunity to get a photo that you can then use later on your website or in social media, in addition to making it more of an event.
[03:09] Publish a blog or news article – This is a newsworthy event! And you should take the time to write a short statement for your website – Bonus points if you can get some statements from those involved with the process. It doesn’t have to be overly long, it can just be a short paragraph.
[03:35] Social Media Post – Social media is the main place a lot of people get information nowadays. Many platforms have character limits, so you can keep it short and sweet, as this is just to inform your wider audience who may not regularly visit your website. On platforms like LinkedIn, you can even tag some key members involved so they can add their own comments and experience under the post.
This is also a great opportunity to work in collaboration with your Certification Body – as they’re also keen to show off their clients successes. It’s worth getting in touch with their marketing team and ask if they’d be happy for you to tag them in a post– so they can reciprocate with a post and tag of your company – which would in turn expand your audience for that post significantly depending on how much reach the certification body has.
[04:54] Website Promotion – You could make a more permanent addition to your website. A lot of businesses tend to have a page for awards and accreditations, which is the perfect place to display the digital badge that your certification body will provide following certification. You could also link your current certificate if so inclined. Another place we often see clients displaying those digital badges is the website footer, it’s unobtrusive but makes for something a bit more eye catching when displayed next to the typical links you see in website footers.
[05:35] Email Signatures – Are another subtle way to make sure those digital badges get some use and imprint themselves in the minds of anyone you contact. It’s a relatively easy update to make and is just another way to make sure it’s seen by both internal and external contacts on a daily basis.
[05:55] Newsletters – Many of you will have some sort of weekly, monthly or annual communications with your clients and prospects. Make sure to include a mention of your certification in the next update. If you wanted to make it something special, make it a main feature and include some story behind the why and how you went about Implementation. Let your audience know why that certificate is important and highlight any notable success as a result of that certification, i.e. with ISO 50001 (energy management), you may have already made significant changes to reduce your energy consumption. Whether that be switching all your lighting to a more eco-friendly option or sharing some actual figures on energy reduction following certification.
[06:50] Case Studies – This is just another way to get your ISO journey written down in a concise, easy to digest format that can then be shared via your website and social channels. It’s another great place to highlight the why, how, any challenges you overcame and what your next steps are.
Keep it to 1 page if possible – as people often get turned off by looking at a daunting page count. Bullet point what you can and expand where needed, as that helps to break up walls of text and just makes it a bit easier for people to read. Take a look at some examples online for layout inspiration – there’s no shortage out there. Of course, if you work with us, we’re happy to do all the design and writing for you.
[07:45] Podcast / Video – Not everyone is going to have the means to publish videos and podcasts – So this won’t be applicable to everyone, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to drop this idea entirely. For example, we feature a lot of clients on our podcast and we’re more than happy for them to use their episode in marketing, or on their site or wherever they want to. So, if you work with a third party that has a podcast or produces their own videos, it’s worth an ask to see if they’d be open to featuring you.
For those that do have the means to do this in-house – It’s highly recommended that you do either one or both of these, as you can then link back to them in social posts and other marketing.
[08:50] This isn’t a one time thing – you can re-use a lot of these resources elsewhere, and remind others that you hold certain certifications when appropriate.
[09:15] The main takeaway is – You worked hard to earn that certificate, so don’t let it be a quiet victory.
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