It’s not uncommon to see a businesses Management System left to collect dust, either because it’s not fit for purpose or simply a carbon copy of an ISO Standard.
Sound familiar? Do you think your business and your employees deserve better? Your ISO Management System should represent your businesses way of saying – “This is what we stand for, this is our vision, values and processes.”
Today, Mel explains why it’s so vital to ensure your Management System is fit for purpose, and give some examples of where you can add value and reduce risk.
You’ll learn
- Pitfalls of an archaic Management System
- Why you should consider revamping your Management System
- How you can update your Management System
- Guidance on what should be included in a Business Management System
- Examples of what could add value or reduce risk for your Management System
- How you can update the look and feel of a Management System
- Need support with revamping your Management System? check out our ISO Support Plan
- Need guidance and support with ISO Standards? isologyhub
In this episode, we talk about:
[01:03] Examples of poor quality Management Systems Mel’s come across
[02:19] The importance of having a bespoke Management System
[03:33] How out-of-date Management Systems can be detrimental
[04:40] Latest offering: A free Management System review and consultation – Simply contact us
[05:05] Why it’s important to continually update your Management System
[06:25] How initiatives / functions can get overlooked if they’re not referenced in your Management System
[07:38] Guidance on what should be included within your Management System to add value and reduce risk
[08:01] Examples of how a Social Media Policy / Process could be included and how it adds value
[09:45] How we at Blackmores follow our Social Media Process, record results and use the captured data
[11:10] How you can add risk mitigation to your Management System
[12:35] Other reasons why your Management System may be ready for a revamp
[13:10] Guidance on how you can improve the look and feel of your Management System
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